Sentiment Analysis of Public Opinion Related to Rapid Test Using LDA Method
In 2020 the world will be shocked by an outbreak of a disease that has developed tremendously. This disease is the Coronavirus. The Indonesian government, in overcoming conducted a Rapid early detection test in the spread of the Coronavirus. The steps of the Indonesian government have received rejection in several areas because people consume hoax news on social media. Indonesians widely use Twitter in conversations about the Coronavirus. Previous research was carried out using large-scale data, which affected the performance of the topic extraction method. The classification used resulted in poor accuracy using LDA to find the probability of topics in existing documents. LDA excels in large-scale data processing and is more consistent in generating the topic proportion value and word probability. Aspect-based sentiment analysis on public opinion regarding the rapid test on Twitter using LDA can determine aspects and public opinion on the rapid test. The test results of this study obtained 7000 tweets, four aspects of the results of topic using LDA, and getting the best accuracy using the RBF kernel by 95%. The sentiment of the Indonesian people towards the Rapid test is positive, with 4,305 sentiments.
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