Studi Komparatif Metode Ekstraksi Fitur pada Analisis Sentimen Maskapai Penerbangan Menggunakan Support Vector Machine dan Maximum Entropy
Almost all companies use social media to improve their product services and provide after-sales services that allow their customers to review the quality of their products. By using Twitter social media to be an important source for tracking sentiment analysis. Sentiment analysis is one of the most popular studies today, using sentiment analysis companies can analyze customer satisfaction to improve their services. This study aims to analyze airline sentiments with five different features such as pragmatic, lexical n-gram, POS, sentiment, and LDA using the Support Vector Machine and Maximum Entropy methods. The best results can be obtained using the Maximum Entropy method using all feature extraction with an accuracy of 92.7% and in the Support Vector Machine method, the accuracy obtained is 89.2%.
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