Sistem Rekomendasi Buku untuk Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Berbasis Association Rule

  • Laras Dewi Adistia Universitas Gunadarma, STMIK Jakarta STI&K
  • Tubagus Mohammad Akhriza STMIK Pradnya Paramita Malang
  • Singgih Jatmiko Universitas Gunadarma
Keywords: Apriori, Association Rule, Data Mining, Library Service, Recommendation System


One of the services in the university library is an information system to find the availability of library collections and the location of each collection shelf. But not many of these systems provide a mechanism that can recommend visitors not only about the books they want, but also other related books that may be needed. This study uses association rule mining techniques that are applied to library transaction data to identify relationships between books (titles) that attract visitors' attention. Relationships are built on interesting measurements between the titles, namely support and confidence, where support determines the combination of the most frequently borrowed book titles, while confidence produces the possibility that the title of the book will be borrowed along with other books. The pattern of book titles association with high confidence indicates that the titles are very related so it is recommended for visitors to consider borrowing along with the book they are looking for. In addition, the system can also recommend the procurement of new books and rack configurations to improve the visitor's experience when searching for books on the site. In the experiment, the precision of recommendations generated from the system reached 70%. Web applications were developed to help understand the effectiveness of the recommendation system based on association rules.


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How to Cite
Adistia, L. D., Akhriza, T. M., & Jatmiko, S. (2019). Sistem Rekomendasi Buku untuk Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Berbasis Association Rule. Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem Dan Teknologi Informasi), 3(2), 304 - 312.
Information Systems Engineering Articles