Game Design for Mobile App-Based IoT Introduction Education in STEM Learning
STEM education has received considerable attention in recent years. However, developing valid and reliable assessments in interdisciplinary learning in STEM has been a challenge. Therefore, many students ranging from junior high school to university students are only familiar with the Internet of Things (IoT) from social media but do not know its concept and function in STEM learning. This is also supported by the absence of educational applications about IoT. This research aims to introduce IoT by using mobile applications. This research refers to the multimedia development method according. The data collection method in this study was carried out by means of observation and interviews randomly to high school students to university students. This data collection was carried out using the experimental method of application testing to analyze user needs from several aspects such as features, images, and fonts. This research is also supported by the existence of literature studies derived from several journals. The results show that the functions in the application can operate as expected. Based on the survey results of the application, 75.37% of respondents rated this application in the very good category and gave positive responses so that this application could be well received by users
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