Detecting Alter Ego Accounts using Social Media Mining
Alter ego is a condition of someone who creates a new character with a conscious state. Original character role play is a game to create new imaginary characters that is used as research material for identification alter ego accounts. The negative effects of playing alter ego are stress, depression, and multiple personalities. Current research only focuses on the phenomenon and impacts of a role-playing game. We propose a new method to detect accounts of alter ego players in social media, especially Twitter. We develop an application to analyze the characteristics of alter ego accounts. Psychologists can use this application to discover the characteristics of alter ego accounts that are useful for analyzing personality so that the results can be used to appropriately handle alter ego players. Most user profiles, tweets, and platforms are used to detect account Twitter. This research proposes a new method using bio features as input data. We crawled and collected 565 bios from Twitter for one month. We observe the data to search for unique words and collect them into a classification dictionary. In this research, we use the cosine similarity method because this method is popular for detecting text and has a good performance in many cases. This research could identify alter ego accounts and other types of Twitter accounts. From the detection results of alter ego accounts, it is possible to analyze the characteristics of Twitter accounts. We use a sampling technique that takes 30% of the data as testing data. According to the results of the experiment cosine similarity obtained an accuracy of 0.95.
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