Fire Detection System At Labuhanbatu University Based On Internet Of Things (IoT)
Fire accidents are disasters that often occur compared to other fire disasters such as floods, landslides, earthquakes or tsunamis. Fires can occur at any time, and no one knows for sure when a fire accident will occur. The impact of a fire disaster is not only material that can disappear from human lives. The causative factors of fire disasters often occur due to human negligence and fires often occur in houses where the occupants have left them. Labuhanbatu University at night will be left by the owner and all lecturers and educational staff, only guarded by two security people with this condition, it is very dangerous when a fire occurs in one of the buildings. The purpose of this research is to focus on developing a fire detection system at Labuhanbatu University based on the Internet of Things to provide early warning of safety. The system uses three sensors, namely temperature sensor, gas sensor, and fire sensor. This research is R&D research using the ADDIE model with the following stages: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The results of the fire sensor test were 90% successful, the results of the sensor test as soon as possible were 90% successful, and the results of the temperature sensor test were 90% successful. This fire detection system can minimize or minimize the occurrence of fire accidents and losses because it is based on the Internet of Things providing early information when a fire occurs to education staff and lecturers at Labuhanabtu University. Overall, this fire warning system can function properly.
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