Analysis of User Readiness Using the TRI Model for Smart School Implementation in the City of Pekanbaru
Currently, Smart Schools have been widely applied in several schools, within the scope of education and services as they are being encouraged to support Smart City. Smart Schools is a school concept utilizing information technology used in the teaching and learning process in the class and school administration. One of the schools in Pekanbaru City that will implement smart schools is Junior High School 17 Pekanbaru. The aspect of building smart schools themselves is not only adequate infrastructure such as servers, labor, and integrated systems but also the readiness on the part of schools and students in implementing Smart Schools in the future. Therefore, to find out the level of readiness of prospective users of the Smart Schools concept, the technology readiness index (TRI) method with four personality variables; optimism, innovativeness, discomfort, and insecurity was used. The purpose of this research was to find out the readiness index of prospective users in the implementation of Smart Schools and see what factors need to be improved from the readiness of prospective users. The results show that teachers and students are ready to apply new technologies in an effort to implement smart schools at Junior High School 17 Pekanbaru. This can be seen from the results obtained, namely the optimism and innovation variables received medium to high ratings. for the discomfort and insecurity to be completely low. However, the student guardians are still unsure because all variables get medium scores. From these results it was stated that Junior High School 17 Pekanbaru was ready to apply new technology for implementing smart schools. In addition, this research can also serve as a guideline for other junior high schools in analyzing new technology users, so that the applied technology can run well.
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