Sentiment Analysis of Cryptocurrency Trading Platform Service Quality on Playstore Data: A Case of Indodax
Bahasa Inggris
Indodax is one of the cryptocurrency trading platforms in Indonesia that has the highest sentiment for the quality they provide, good quality on a platform is an important factor in obtaining user satisfaction and will have an impact on the long-term success of a company. The importance of user satisfaction on cryptocurrency online trading platforms is a significant factor in increasing user loyalty in today's competition. This research was conducted to analyze the quality of existing cryptocurrency trading platform services so that they can be input for cryptocurrency trading service providers to improve the quality of their services, this information can also be considered by prospective platform users in choosing a trading platform that has the best quality of service to minimize losses that may be caused by the platform. In this study, sentiment analysis was used for indodax play store platform users and then processed using the lexicon classification method to produce sentiment analysis for each significant factor of service quality. From the results of the classification carried out in this study, the results of the analysis show that most users are satisfied and give positive sentiments related to security, namely 87.63%, positive sentiments related to the interface design 88.46%, positive sentiments related to service & convenience by 83%, but some users also gave a slightly positive sentiment related to administrative costs, namely 39%, and their negative sentiment was mostly related to the error & failure system, which received more than 80% sentiment. While the recall value is 38.07%, the precision is 56.69% and the f1-score is 45.55%. The results of this study can be concluded that there are still many important points that must be improved in quality by the indodax platform service providers so that they can be more attractive and used by everyone.
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