Implementation of Enhanced Spray Routing Protocol for VDTN On Surabaya Smart City Scenario
The application of smart-city, which promises better city management in helping to improve people's quality of life, is still inhibited due to the high cost of infrastructure investment. In several Smart Cities, it takes at least $ 30 - 40 billion to convert a conventional town into a smart city, including for data collection infrastructure. Alternatively, low-power wide-area networks (LPWANs) could be considered, but they need more bandwidth to serve data transmission in a smart city. Vehicle Delay Tolerant Network (VDTN) is one part of DTN that employs vehicles as a communication infrastructure that allows communication in challenging conditions and could make it an alternative network for Data Collection in a Smart City. This paper proposes a Surabaya Smart City scenario with VDTN as data collection. The scenario consists of 40 wireless sensors and 50 to 200 vehicles (car and bus) with five Road Side Units that forward data from the sensor to the monitoring server. Furthermore, to increase the VDTN performance, we improve our proposed routing protocol, Spray and Hop Distance (SNHD), with two sprays method (Adaptive and Simple) and data collection support from multiple sources and destinations. The evaluation was carried out using a simulation-based comparison with an increase in the number of vehicles to determine the impact of vehicle density on data collection performance in terms of delivery probability, latency average, and overhead ratio. Based on the simulation results, the simple spray method in SNHD and A-SNHD outperformed the well-known VDTN routing protocol, i.e., Epidemic and Spray and Wait. Furthermore, when the number of cars increases from 50 to 200, the performance of VDTN does not increase significantly as the density of the network increases. It means that VDTN only requires a small number of vehicles to be used as a low-cost alternative network for smart cities.
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