Application of Neural Network Variations for Determining the Best Architecture for Data Prediction
This study focuses on the application and comparison of the epoch, time, performance/MSE training, and performance/MSE testing of variations of the Backpropagation algorithm. The main problem in this study is that the Backpropagation algorithm tends to be slow to reach convergence in obtaining optimum accuracy, requires extensive training data, and the optimization used is less efficient and has performance/MSE which can still be improved to produce better performance/MSE in this research—data prediction process. Determination of the best model for data prediction is seen from the performance/MSE test. This data prediction uses five variations of the Backpropagation algorithm: standard Backpropagation, Resistant Backpropagation, Conjugate Gradient, Fletcher Reeves, and Powell Beale. The research stage begins with processing the avocado production dataset in Indonesia by province from 2016 to 2021. The dataset is first normalized to a value between 0 to 1. The test in this study was carried out using Matlab 2011a. The dataset is divided into two, namely training data and test data. This research's benefit is producing the best model of the Backpropagation algorithm in predicting data with five methods in the Backpropagation algorithm. The test results show that the Resilient Backpropagation method is the best model with a test performance of 0.00543829, training epochs of 1000, training time of 12 seconds, and training performance of 0.00012667.
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