Diagnosis of Asthma Disease and The Levels using Forward Chaining and Certainty Factor
Asthma disease is a major global health issue that affects at least 300 million people worldwide. Even for clinicians working in emergency rooms, predicting the severity of asthma is difficult. Predicting the intensity of an asthma attack is much more challenging because it is dependent on several factors, including the person's illness's features and severity. Forward Chaining and Certainty Factor algorithms can be implemented to diagnose the degree of asthma control, so the consultation process through the system becomes more detailed. The expert system can be used as an initial reference for the diagnosis process. The forward Chaining algorithm is useful for reasoning, starting from a fact to a solution. On the other hand, the Certainty Factor algorithm is used to provide a level of confidence in the conclusions by generating from the Forward Chaining algorithm. The research implemented several phases as follows analysis, data preparation, modeling, and evaluation. On evaluation, this research conduct three stages and tested using 80 medical record data. The result of the study has produced an expert system and generated an accuracy level of 65%, a precision value of 58.3%, and a recall also produced 57.13%. Therefore, the Chaining and Certainty Factor performs reasonably well in the diagnosis of asthma disease.
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