The Formula Study in Determining the Best Number of Neurons in Neural Network Backpropagation Architecture with Three Hidden Layers
The researchers conducted data simulation experiments, but they did so unstructured in determining the number of neurons in the hidden layer in the Artificial Neural Network Back-Propagation architecture. The researchers also used a general architecture consisting of one hidden layer. Researchers are still producing minimal research that discusses how to determine the number of neurons when using hidden layers. This article examines the results of experiments by conducting training and testing data using seven recommended formulas including the Hecht-Nelson, Marchandani-Cao, Lawrence & Fredrickson, Berry-Linoff, Boger-Guterman, JingTao-Chew, and Lawrence & Fredrickson modifications. We use rainfall data and temperature data with a 10-day type for the last 10 years (2012-2021) sourced from Lombok International Airport Station, Indonesia. The training and testing data used showed the results that in determining the number of neurons on the hidden-1 screen, it was more appropriate to use the Hecht-Nelson formula and the Lawrence & Fredricson formula which is more suitable for use in the 2nd & 3rd hidden layer. The resulting research was able to provide an accuracy rate of up to 97.79% (temperature data) and 99.94% (rainfall data) with an architecture of 36-73-37-19-1.
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