Sistem Keamanan Gedung Menggunakan Kinect Xbox 360 Dengan Metode Skeletal Tracking
Building Security System Using Kinect Xbox 360 With Skeletal Tracking Method
The incidence of fire and theft is very threatening and causes disruption to people's lifestyles, both due to natural and human factors resulting in loss of life, damage to the environment, loss of property and property, and psychological impacts. The purpose of this study is to create a building security system using Kinect Xbox 360 which can be used to detect fires and loss of valuable objects. The data transmission method uses the Internet of Things (IoT) and skeletal tracking. Skeletal detection uses Arduino Uno which is connected to a fire sensor and Kinect to detect suspicious movements connected to a PC. Kinect uses biometric authentication to automatically enter user data by recognizing objects and detecting skeletons including height, facial features and shoulder length. The ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) value of the fire sensor reading has a range between 200-300. The fire sensor detects the presence of fire through optical data analysis containing ultraviolet, infrared or visual images of fire. The data generated by Kinect by detecting the recognition of the skeleton of the main point of the human body known as the skeleton, where the reading point is authenticated by Kinect from a range of 1.5-3 meters which is declared the optimal measurement, and if a fire occurs, the pump motor will spray water randomly. to extinguish the fire that is connected to the internet via the wifi module. The data displayed is in the form of a graph on the Thingspeak cloud server service. Notification of fire and theft information using the delivery system from input to database
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