Analisis Hybrid Decision Support System dalam Penentuan Status Kelulusan Mahasiswa
Hybrid Decision Support System Analysis in Determining Student Graduation Status
Determination of graduation status is often faced by lecturers in every university. The facts show that many of the decisions still have a fairly high error rate in determining graduation status. This study aims to develop an analytical model in the process of determining student graduation using the Hybrid Decision Support System (DSS). The methods used in the analysis process are Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Technique for Others Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). The performance of AHP can determine the value of the weight criteria and TOPSIS performs rankings to produce solutions in determining. The criteria indicators used to consist of Depth (C1), Material Breadth (C2), Answer Accuracy (C3), Fluency of Answers (C4), Scientific Attitude (C5), Logical Consistency of Content (C6), Authenticity (C7), Scientific Quality ( C8), Language (C9), and Writing (C10). The results of this study indicate that the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method provides a weighting value for each criterion with a fairly good accuracy rate of 85,86%. These results conclude that each criterion has a consistent level of relationship in determining student graduation. Based on the output of the TOPSIS analysis, the results presented can determine the student's graduation status correctly and accurately.
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