Pengamanan Data melalui Model Super Enkripsi Autokey Cipher dan Transposisi Kolom

Data Security through Autokey Cipher Super Encryption Model and Column Transposition

  • Muhammad Fadlan STMIK PPKIA Tarakanita Rahmawati
  • Haryansyah
  • Rosmini
Keywords: autokey, crytography, data, transposition, super encryption


One of the essential instruments in the cyber era is data. Therefore, maintaining data security is an important thing to do. One way that can be done to maintain data security is through cryptography. In cryptography, two basic techniques are commonly used, namely substitution techniques and transposition techniques. One of the weaknesses of the basic cryptographic techniques is the lower level of data security. This study proposed a super encryption model in securing data by combining cryptographic algorithms with substitution techniques, i.e., autokey cipher and transposition, i.e., columnar transposition cipher. This study used the Avalanche Effect method as a measurement tool for the proposed super encryption model. The test results have shown that the proposed super encryption model can provide a better level of security. The avalanche effect test on the five data test shows that the average AE value of the proposed super encryption model is 30.76%. This value is higher than the single autokey cipher algorithm of 1.66% and column transposition with a value of 18.03%. Other results from the five data test have shown that the proposed model has a high level of accuracy of 100% in terms of the decryption process results, which is the same as the initial data before going through the encryption process.



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How to Cite
Muhammad Fadlan, Haryansyah, & Rosmini. (2021). Pengamanan Data melalui Model Super Enkripsi Autokey Cipher dan Transposisi Kolom. Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem Dan Teknologi Informasi), 5(6), 1113 - 1119.
Information Technology Articles