Penentuan Klaster Koridor TransJakarta dengan Metode Majority Voting pada Algoritma Data Mining
The Covid-19 pandemic has made many changes in the patterns of community activity. Large-Scale Social Restrictions were implemented to reduce the number of transmission of the virus. This clearly affects the mode of transportation. The mode of transportation makes new regulations to reduce the number of passenger capacities in each fleet, for example, TransJakarta services. This study will categorize the TransJakarta corridors before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. The clustering method of K-Means and K-Medoids is used to obtain accurate calculation results. The calculations are performed using Microsoft Excel, Rapid Miner, and Python programming language. The clustering results obtained that using K-Means algorithm before Covid-19 pandemic, an optimum number of clusters is 3 clusters with DBI (Davies Bouldin Index) value is 0.184, and during Covid-19 pandemic, the optimum number of clusters is 2 clusters with DBI value is 0.188. Meanwhile, when using the K-Medoids algorithm before the Covid-19 pandemic, an optimum number of clusters is 3 clusters with the DBI value is 0.200, and during the Covid-19 pandemic, an optimum number of clusters is 4 clusters with the DBI value is 0.190. The final cluster is determined using the majority voting approach from all the tools used.
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