Monitoring and Controlling System for Mango Logistics Based on Machine Learning

  • Buyung Hardyansyah IPB University
  • Heru Sukoco IPB University
  • Sony Hartono Wijaya IPB University
Keywords: decision tree, LSTM, machine learning, mango logistics


Fruits are highly perishable goods, which means they have a short shelf life and can pose significant challenges in trade. A long supply chain can trigger the process of fruit spoilage. The logistics environment, both internal and external, can also affect the decrease in quality of goods. One common issue facing producers is the variability in consumer demand for fruit quality. To address this problem, a machine learning-based logistics monitoring and recommendation system can be developed, utilizing the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Decision Tree algorithms. Using machine learning algorithms, the system can analyze data from devices equipped with the Internet of Things (IoT), such as temperature and humidity sensors, to identify potential issues in the supply chain and provide recommendations to optimize logistics operations. In this study, a machine learning-based monitoring system is developed to monitor the shelf life of perishable goods, with a specific focus on mango fruit. The system utilizes LSTM to predict mango ripeness and decision tree algorithms to recommend fruit ripeness. The objective is to provide producers with recommendations that optimize the logistics process for high-quality mangoes and meet the consumer demands for quality fruit. The implementation of a machine learning-based logistics monitoring and recommendation system can provide significant benefits to mango producers. Using advanced technologies, such as LSTM and Decision Tree algorithms, producers can optimize their logistics operations, improve fruit quality, reduce waste, and improve customer satisfaction.


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How to Cite
Hardyansyah, B., Heru Sukoco, & Sony Hartono Wijaya. (2024). Monitoring and Controlling System for Mango Logistics Based on Machine Learning. Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem Dan Teknologi Informasi), 8(1), 150 - 159.
Information Systems Engineering Articles