Akuisisi Bukti Digital Viber Messenger Android Menggunakan Metode National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Acquisition of Digital Evidence Android-Based Viber Messenger App Using the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Method
Viber is one of the most popular social media in the Instant Messenger application category that can be used to send text messages, make voice calls, send picture messages and video messages to other users. As many as 260 million people around the world have used this application. Increasing the number of viber users certainly brings positive and negative impacts, one of the negative impacts of this application is the use of digital forensic crime. This research simulates and removes digital crime evidence from the viber application on Android smartphones using the National Institute of Standards Technology (NIST) method, which is a method that has work guidelines on forensic policy and process standards to ensure each investigator follows the workflow the same so that their work is documented and the results can be accounted for. This study uses three forensic tools, MOBILedit Forensic Express, Belkasoft and Autopsy. The results in this study show that MOBILedit Forensic Express gets digital evidence with a percentage of 100% in getting accounts, contacts, pictures and videos. While proof of digital chat is only 50%. Belkasoft gets digital evidence with a percentage of 100% in getting accounts, contacts, pictures and videos. While proof of digital chat is only 50%. For Autopsy does not give the expected results in the extraction process, in other words the Autopsy application gives zero results. It can be concluded that MOBILedit Forensic Express and Belkasoft have a good performance compared to Autopsy and thus this research has been completed and succeeded in accordance with the expected goals.
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