Comparative analysis of Forensic Tools on Twitter applications using the DFRWS method
Bahasa Indonesia
Current crime is increasing, one of which is the crime of using social media, although no crime does not leave digital evidence. Twitter application is a social media that is widely used by its users. Acts of crime such as fraud, insults, hate speech, and other crimes lately use many social media applications, especially Twitter. This research was conducted to find forensic evidence on the social media Twitter application that is accessed using a smartphone application using the Digital Forensics Research Workshop (DFRWS) method. These digital forensic stages include identification, preservation, collection, examination, analysis, and presentation in finding digital evidence of crime using the MOBILedit Forensic Express software and Belkasoft Evidence Center. Digital evidence sought on smartphones can be found using case scenarios and 16 variables that have been created so that digital proof in the form of smartphone specifications, Twitter accounts, application versions, conversations in the way of messages and status. This study's results indicate that MOBILedit Forensic Express digital forensic software is better with an accuracy rate of 85.75% while Belkasoft Evidence Center is 43.75%.
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