The Examination of the User Engagement Scale (UES) in Small Medium Enterprise Social Media Usage: A Survey-Based Quantitative Study
Social networks have proven to be an essential marketing tool for the success of any product, service, or business. User participation affects the increase in revenue gain and creates long-term profit. The User Engagement Scale (UES) is one of the tools developed to measure user engagement and has been used in various digital domains. The UES intends to compute six dimensions of engagement: aesthetic appeal, perceived usability, focused attention, novelty, felt involvement, and endurability. This study investigates and verifies the three-factor structure of the UES. We used PCA to perform the analysis. The original data will be reanalyzed using UES, which consists of 220 valid responses. The result shows that the UES examination indicates good reliability in three factors. Factor 1 encompasses the feeling of involvement (FI), aesthetic appeal (AE), novelty (NO), and endurability (EN). Factor 2 aggregates the perceived usability (PU) elements. Factor 3 pertains to focused attention (FA) items. Our findings indicate that the User Engagement Scale is a valuable and suitable measurement tool for assessing user engagement in the context of social media within small and medium enterprises.
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