Web Service Implementation in Logistics Company uses JSON Web Token and RC4 Cryptography Algorithm
Implementasi Web Service pada Perusahaan Logistik menggunakan JSON Web Token dan Algoritma Kriptografi RC4
The development of e-commerce in Indonesia in the last five years has significantly increased the growth for logistics service companies. The Indonesian Logistics and Forwarders Association (ALFI) has predicted the growth potential of the logistics business in Indonesia to reach more than 30% by 2020. One of the efforts of logistics business companies to improve services in the logistics services business competition is to implement web service technology on mobile platforms, to easy access to services for customers. This research aims to build a web service with a RESTful approach. The REST architecture has limitations in the form of no authentication mechanism, so users can access and modify data. To improve its services, JSON Web Token (JWT) technology is needed in the authentication process and security of access rights. In terms of data storage and transmission security, a cryptographic algorithm is also needed to encrypt and maintain confidentiality in the database. RC4 algorithm is a cryptographic algorithm that is famous for its speed in the encoding process. RC4 encryption results are processed with the Base64 Algorithm so that encrypted messages can be stored in a database. The combination of the RC4 method with the Base64 method has strengthened aspects of database security. This research resulted in a prototype application that was built with a combination of web service methods, JWT and cryptographic techniques. The test results show that the web service application at the logistics service company that was created can run well with relatively fast access time, which is an average of 176 ms. With this access time, the process of managing data and information becomes more efficient because before making this application the process of handling a transaction takes up to 20 minutes.
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