Penggunaan Bahasa Indonesia sebagai Pivot Language pada Mesin Penerjemah Madura-Sunda dengan Metode Transfer dan Triangulation
This paper is an attempt to focus on investigating the pivot (bridge) language technique, where the pivot language used to improve Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) quality. In this case, Indonesian is used as a pivot language, where each available corpus can be used to support the Madurese-Sundanese language pair. Experiments that have been carried out using the parallel corpus of the Indonesian-Madurese and Indonesian-Sundanese languages are equal to 5K and 6K sentences respectively, while the monolingual corpus used Malay, Sundanese and Indonesian each at 10K, 10K and 100K sentences. This study compares the results of applying the Triangulation and Transfer methods using Indonesian as a pivot language. The results of the research proved that the Triangulation method has better acceleration when compared to the Transfer method. From the results of the experiments conducted, the Triangulation method increased the average Indonesian pivot-based SMT testing by 6.18% for Madura-Sundanese SMT and 7.27% for Madurese-Sundanese SMT.
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