Designing a Knowledge-Based Chatbot to Elevate Business Licensing Services in Indonesia
The business licensing process in Indonesia often faces several challenges, including lack of information, unstable system, complicated procedure, and slow response to complain. These issues can hinder economic growth and limit access for businesses. This research aims to design a knowledge-based chatbot to elevate business licensing services in Indonesia. The proposed chatbot will utilize natural language processing (NLP) technology and a structured knowledge base to provide accurate information, assist in form filling, and offer step-by-step guidance to users. This research employes a User-Centered Design (UCD) approach to ensure that the developed chatbot meets the needs and preferences of its users. The research stages involve user requirements analysis, UML design, system design, and iterations based on feedback obtained. Data will be collected through questionnaires, interviews, and literature studies. Leveraging the proposed architecture, we demonstrate how the resulting knowledge-based chatbot is expected to enhance business licensing services. The findings identified 8 key features expected in the chatbot, including real-time information access, problem reporting, business licensing guidance, a tracking system, personalized simulation, a feedback mechanism, multilingual support, and the ability to connect with a contact center agent. By implementing these features, the proposed chatbot is anticipated to significantly reduce processing times, streamline user interactions, and enhance user satisfaction by providing real-time assistance and reducing errors in form submissions. This will contribute to a more efficient licensing process, fostering economic growth and improving the business environment in Indonesia.
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