An Investigation Towards Resampling Techniques and Classification Algorithms on CM1 NASA PROMISE Dataset for Software Defect Prediction
Software defect prediction is a practical approach to improving the quality and efficiency of software testing processes. However, establishing robust and trustworthy models for software defect prediction is quite challenging due to the limitation of historical datasets that most developers are capable of collecting. The inherently imbalanced nature of most software defect datasets also posed another problem. Therefore, an insight into how to properly construct software defect prediction models on a small, yet imbalanced, dataset is required. The objective of this study is therefore to provide the required insight by way of investigating and comparing a number of resampling techniques, classification algorithms, and evaluation measurements (metrics) for building software defect prediction models on CM1 NASA PROMISE data as the representation of a small yet unbalanced dataset. This study is comparative descriptive research. It follows a positivist (quantitative) approach. Data were collected through observation towards experiments on four categories of resampling techniques (oversampling, under sampling, ensemble, and combine) combined with three categories of machine learning classification algorithms (traditional, ensemble, and neural network) to predict defective software modules on CM1 NASA PROMISE dataset. Training processes were carried out twice, each of which used the 5-fold cross-validation and the 70% training and 30% testing data splitting (holdout) method. Our result shows that the combined and oversampling techniques provide a positive effect on the performance of the models. In the context of classification models, ensemble-based algorithms, which extend the decision tree classification mechanism such as Random Forest and eXtreme Gradient Boosting, achieved sufficiently good performance for predicting defective software modules. Regarding the evaluation measurements, the combined and rank-based performance metrics yielded modest variance values, which is deemed suitable for evaluating the performance of the models in this context.
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