Quantum Perceptron: A Novel Approach to Predicting Unemployment Levels in North Sumatra Province
The application of Quantum Computing to improve the perceptron algorithm in unemployment prediction is a new aspect of this research. This study focuses on unemployment, which is a big challenge for the young generation in Indonesia, especially in the North Sumatra region. This research applies the quantum perceptron method to provide an alternative solution in predicting the unemployment rate. The data used in this analysis comes from the North Sumatra Central Statistics Agency and includes published unemployment rates (TPT) for individuals aged 15 years and over from 2017 to 2023. This research uses seven variables ranging from x1 to x7 to produce accurate data. Quantum perceptron methods offer specific advantages over traditional methods, including higher computing speeds and the ability to handle greater data complexity. This analysis aims to identify unemployment patterns and trends in North Sumatra and provide more accurate predictions by applying the quantum perceptron method. Although the results of this research are still limited to analysis, this research shows promising results and opens up opportunities for further, more in-depth research. This research is limited to predicting unemployment rates in North Sumatra. The use of quantum computing using the quantum perceptron method shows great potential for application to various other socio-economic problems in the future. This research contributes by introducing a new approach that utilizes quantum technology to improve prediction accuracy in economic analysis.
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