Integration of YOLOv5 Algorithm and OpenCV in Innovative Smart Parking Management Approach
The problem of automatic parking lot identification and vehicle detection in open areas is becoming increasingly important due to the increase in the number of vehicles in Indonesia, particularly in big cities, resulting in difficulties in finding parking spaces during peak hours. In this condition, drivers often have to compete for parking spaces. This research aims to develop a smart parking system that integrates YOLOv5 and OpenCV algorithms. This approach thoroughly combines both algorithms to identify parking spaces and detect vehicles in real time in various parking scenarios. It is carried out in an open area with reference to parking conditions at the BRIN Bandung office. This study collected data from three different parking lot conditions, namely empty, partially occupied, and full. In each condition, the system successfully detected the parking lots and vehicles accurately. The novel contribution of this research is the development of a smart parking system that uses an integrated approach, providing an effective solution to the challenges of parking lot availability and vehicle detection. Using the advantages of both algorithms, we successfully created a system that can identify parking spaces and detect vehicles accurately and efficiently under various parking circumstances. Therefore, this research makes a significant contribution to the development of smart and adaptive parking management technology.
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