LR-GLASSO Method for Solving Multiple Explanatory Variables of the Village Development Index
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are developments that maintain sustainable improvement in society’s economic, social, and environmental welfare. Kemendes PDTT RI has issued the Village Development Index (VDI) to provide information and the status of village progress to support village development to improve the National SDGS. Modeling with multiple explanatory variables causes a high correlation between explanatory variables, multicollinearity, and coefficient estimation results, which have a large variance and overfitting in the prediction results. The modeling solution uses LASSO and GLASSO. The binary categorical response data use binary logistic regression (LR), so LR-LASSO and LR-GLASSO are used. North Maluku Province has a VDI ranking that tends to fall in 2018-2022. On the basis of the mean and variance of the coefficient estimation results and misclassification errors, LR-GLASSO is better than LR-LASSO and LR. LR-GLASSO is recommended for analyzing VDI data because it has many explanatory variables and the correlation between them is relatively high. The Indonesian government recommendation, if it is to increase the status of VDI in Indonesia, especially in the north Maluku province, is to increase the number of electricity users, food and beverage stores, and other cooperatives. The Indonesian government also needs to pay attention to villages relatively far from the regent's office, between food and beverage stalls, and supporting health centers, because they still need to be developed compared to other villages, and more than 50% of the villages are underdeveloped. If the Village SDGs are formulated by increasing the VDI status, it will support the achievement of the SDGs goals nationally.
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