GLCM-Based Feature Extraction for Alpha Matting on Natural Images
The main objective of this research is to determine the optimal threshold value in the unknown region in the alpha-matting operation of natural images. Alpha-mating serves to draw matte from the image used in segmentation. The alpha value is very influential on the quality of segmentation which is determined by the level of threshold value accuracy. The determination of the threshold begins by breaking the grayscale image into several sub-images using Region of Interest (RoI). Each sub-image was extracted using the Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) considered by the parameters of contrast, energy, and entropy at angles of 0°, 45°, 90°, and 135 °. Each feature results in extractions, which are then averaged and normalized in each sub-image. The value is determined as the local threshold value used in the alpha matting operation. Experiments were carried out on 12 natural images from the image-mating dataset to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm. The increase in accuracy shows up to 63% by the measurements of experiments, compared to the calculation of adaptive threshold by using the fuzzy CMs Algorithm.
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