Design and Implementation of the Shortest Path Navigation in Samosir District using Branch and Bound Algorithm

Keywords: Branch and Bound, Map, Samosir, Shortest Path, Tourist


Samosir has a large area and several tourist attractions, making it difficult for visitors to explore the island. Unknowing the route can make the journey less fun and waste time. In general, tourists seek to know the fastest way to a tourist location to save time and money while on vacation. As a result, we require an application that will offer directions to the shortest path. This research aims to develop a web-based application that may display a map of the shortest travel to a tourist site. This website will display a map that marks the route from the origin point to the destination point. The Branch and Bound algorithm is used to determine the shortest path. The Python libraries OSMnx, Folium, and NetworkX modify paths and show a route map with OpenStreetMap. The error value of the distance between the branch, the bound algorithm, and Google Maps is used to obtain the RMSE accuracy value. The RMSE value is 3.02 and the MAPE value is 0.0023 indicating that the application produced already has a good implementation prototype. Furthermore, there is no significant distinction between the appearance of maps that implement OpenStreetMap and Google Maps.


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How to Cite
Chandra, R., & Arifin Prasetyo , T. (2024). Design and Implementation of the Shortest Path Navigation in Samosir District using Branch and Bound Algorithm. Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem Dan Teknologi Informasi), 8(2), 242 - 249.
Information Technology Articles