Triangular Fuzzy Numbers-Based MADM for Selecting Pregnant Mothers at Risk of Stunting
Stunting is caused by a lack of proper nutrition before and after birth. This research paper identifies and measures the risk of stunting during pregnancy and make recommendations for ranking pregnant women at risk. These aims to provide appropriate treatment and action to reduce mothers giving birth to children at risk of stunting. To make the optimal choice, the selection procedure for pregnant women at risk of giving birth to stunted children considers a variety of factors, including maternal age, maternal nutrition, arms circumference, hemoglobin, parity, birth interval, height, baby weight, and body mass index (BMI). Decision-maker’s expectation to reduce uncertainty and imprecision are represented linguistically by triangular fuzzy numbers. The triangular fuzzy numbers arithmetic approach is used to determine the selection process output. The ranking is determined from the alternative with the most parameter values to the alternative with the fewest parameters. Based on the results of the calculation, it was determined that PM (Pregnant Mother) had the highest score and was ranked first. That pregnant mother was declared as pregnant mother who had the lowest risk of giving birth to stunted baby
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