Image Classification of Vegetable Quality using Support Vector Machine based on Convolutional Neural Network

Keywords: Vegetable Quality, Image Classification, Convolutional Neural Network, Support Vector Machine, Feature Extration


As part of an effort to develop intelligent agriculture, new methods for enhancing the quality of vegetables are being continually developed. In recent years, the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has shown to be the most successful and extensively used approach for identifying the quality of pre-trained vegetables. However, this method is time-consuming due to the scarcity of truly large, significant datasets. Using a pre-trained CNN model as a feature extractor is a straightforward method for utilizing CNNs' capabilities without investing time in training. While, Support Vector Machine (SVM excels at processing data with tiny dimensions and significantly larger instances. SVM more accurately classifies the flatten/vector feature supplied by the CNN fully connected layer with small dimensions. In addition, implementing Data Augmentation (DA) and Weighted Class (WC) for data variety and class imbalance reduction can improve CNN-SVM performance. The research results show highest accuracy during training always achieves 100% across all experimental options. With an average accuracy of 69.66% in the testing process and 92.51% in the prediction process for all data, the experimental findings demonstrate that CNN-SVM outperforms CNN in terms of accuracy performance in all possible experiments, with or without WC and or DA approach.



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Author Biographies

Andi Kurniawan Nugroho, Universitas Semarang

Electrical Engineering Study Program, Electrical Engineering Departement, Semarang University, Semarang, Indonesia

Sri Heranurweni, Universitas Semarang

Electrical Engineering Study Program, Electrical Engineering Departement, Semarang University, Semarang, Indonesia


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How to Cite
Nurrani, H., Andi Kurniawan Nugroho, & Sri Heranurweni. (2023). Image Classification of Vegetable Quality using Support Vector Machine based on Convolutional Neural Network. Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem Dan Teknologi Informasi), 7(1), 168 - 178.
Information Systems Engineering Articles