Capturing Students’ Dynamic Learning Pattern Based on Activity Logs Using Hierarchical Clustering

  • Kusuma Ayu Laksitowening Telkom University
  • Made Diva Prasetya Telkom University
  • Dawam Dwi Jatmiko Suwawi Telkom University
  • Anisa Herdiani Telkom University
Keywords: learning pattern, activity logs, Learning Management Systems, Hierarchical Clustering


Students can have various characteristics and learning patterns. By understanding the characteristics and learning pattern of individual students, teachers can provide individualized learning strategies based on students' needs. Students' learning patterns may experience changes depending on their conditions during the learning process. If the learning pattern analysis is only run once, then the progress and changes in student learning patterns throughout the learning process cannot be recognized. On the other hand, periodical analysis is expected to describe the dynamics of student learning patterns from time to time. This research is intended for capturing students' dynamic learning pattern using Hierarchical Clustering. We clustered the learning patterns based on Learning Management Systems (LMS) activity logs. The activity log data were partitioned into several periodical datasets. The results of the periodic clustering indicated that students’ learning patterns varied from one another and changed from time to time. Most students experienced change in learning patterns throughout the semester. The analysis also indicated that learning pattern also has the potential to be improved and maintained.


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How to Cite
Laksitowening, K. A., Made Diva Prasetya, Dawam Dwi Jatmiko Suwawi, & Anisa Herdiani. (2023). Capturing Students’ Dynamic Learning Pattern Based on Activity Logs Using Hierarchical Clustering. Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem Dan Teknologi Informasi), 7(1), 34 - 40.
Information Technology Articles