Multi-Accent Speaker Detection Using Normalize Feature MFCC Neural Network Method
Speaker recognition is a field of research that continues to this day. Various methods have been developed to detect the human voice with greater precision and accuracy. Research on human speech recognition that is quite challenging is accent recognition. Detecting various types of human accents with different accents and ethnicities with high accuracy is a research that is quite difficult to do. According to the results of the research on the data preprocessing stage, feature extraction and selection of the right classification method play a very important role in determining the accuracy results. This study uses a preprocessing approach with normalizing features combined with MFCC as a method to perform feature extraction and the neural network (NN), which is a classification method that works based on the workings of the human brain. Research results obtained using the normalize feature with MFCC and neural network for multiaccent speaker recognition, the accuracy performance reaches 82.68%, precision is 83% and recall is 82.88%.
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