Sentiment Analysis Against Political Figure’s Billboard During Pandemic Using Naïve Bayes Algorithm

  • Ade Bastian Universitas Majalengka
  • Ardi Mardiana Universitas Majalengka
  • Dinda Sri Wulansari Universitas Majalengka
Keywords: Covid-19 Pandemic, Twitter, Sentiment Analysis, Naive Bayes Algorithm


In the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic, many Indonesians have reacted negatively to the placement of political individuals' billboards with very huge sizes on the streets. The early political campaign that was run was thought to be contentious. On social media like Twitter, the majority of people freely share their thoughts. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the general public reacted to the placement of billboards advertising political figures during the epidemic and to categorize those responses. It is envisaged that it would also provide advice for connected parties that may be used when making judgments regarding the policy of constructing billboards for political figures during a pandemic based on the results of data analysis. Twitter users tend to be more expressive because of the character limits, which means they have sentimental or emotional values. Using the Nave Bayes Algorithm, it is possible to do sentiment analysis on the sentiment data by categorizing user comments into positive, negative, and neutral attitudes. Regarding the sentiments expressed on billboards showing political leaders during the pandemic, tweets were sorted into three categories: liked, unfavorable, and neutral. The accuracy rate from Naive Bayes categorization of political personalities during the pandemic on social media Twitter was 83.3% with a precision value of 89%, recall 83%, and f-1 score of 82%.


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How to Cite
Bastian, A., Ardi Mardiana, & Dinda Sri Wulansari. (2023). Sentiment Analysis Against Political Figure’s Billboard During Pandemic Using Naïve Bayes Algorithm . Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem Dan Teknologi Informasi), 7(1), 138 - 145.
Information Systems Engineering Articles