Comparison of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Image Detection Accuracy Using CNN and Combination CNN-KNN
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a pathogenic bacterium that causes respiratory tract disease in the lungs, namely tuberculosis (TB). The problem is to find out the bacterial colonies when the observation is still done manually using a microscope with a magnification of 1000 times. It took a long time and was tiring for the observer's eye. Based on this background, an automatic detection system for Mycobacterium tuberculosis was designed. Mycobacterium tuberculosis image data were obtained from the Semarang City Health Center. The dataset used is 220 sputum images, which are divided into 180 training data and 40 testing data. The method used in this research is a combination of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN). CNN is used for image feature extraction. Furthermore, the results of the CNN feature extraction are classified using the KNN. The results of the accuracy of the combination of CNN-KNN and CNN were also compared. The stages of the process are color transformation, feature extraction, and data training with CNN, then classification with KNN. The results of the classification test between CNN and the CNN-KNN combination show that the CNN-KNN combination is better. The result of CNN-KNN accuracy is 92.5%, while CNN's accuracy is 90%.
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