Herbal Leaves Classification Based on Leaf Image Using CNN Architecture Model VGG16

  • Bella Dwi Mardiana Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
  • Wahyu Budi Utomo Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
  • Ulfah Nur Oktaviana Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
  • Galih Wasis Wicaksono Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
  • Agus Eko Minarno Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Keywords: Classification, Herbal Leaf, Transfer Learning, VGG16


Herbal leaves are a type that is often used by people in the health sector. The problem faced is the lack of knowledge about the types of herbal leaves and the difficulty of distinguishing the types of herbal leaves for ordinary people who do not understand plants. If any type of plant is used, it will have a negative impact on health. Automatic classification with the help of technology will reduce the risk of misidentification of herbal leaf types. To make identification, a precise and accurate herbal leaf detection process is needed. This research aims to facilitate the classification model of herbal leaf images with a higher accuracy value than previous research. Therefore, the proposed method in this classification process is one of the Transfer Learning methods, namely Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with a pretrained VGG16 model. This research uses a dataset of herbal leaves with a total of 10 classes: Belimbing Wuluh, Jambu Biji, Jeruk Nipis, Kemangi, Lidah Buaya, Nangka, Pandan, Pepaya, Seledri and Sirih. The performance of the results of the proposed classification method on the test dataset using Classification Report shows an increase in the results of the previous research accuracy value from 82% to 97%. This research also applies Image Data Generator in the augmentation process which aims to improve the image of herbal leaves, reduce overfitting, and improve accuracy.


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How to Cite
Bella Dwi Mardiana, Wahyu Budi Utomo, Ulfah Nur Oktaviana, Galih Wasis Wicaksono, & Agus Eko Minarno. (2023). Herbal Leaves Classification Based on Leaf Image Using CNN Architecture Model VGG16. Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem Dan Teknologi Informasi), 7(1), 20 - 26. https://doi.org/10.29207/resti.v7i1.4550
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