Character Recognition of Handwriting of Javanese Character Image using Information Gain Based on the Comparison of Classification Method
Indonesia is a country rich in a variety of regional cultures. Regional airspace needs to be preserved so as not to become extinct. One of them is the local culture of Central Java Province, namely Javanese Character. In this modern era, globalization is growing in every country. The impact of globalization is increasingly widespread and developing in society. One effect of globalization is local people prefer foreign language skills to learn local languages. This study, applies the method of character recognition using a new combination workflow that contains Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and Information Gain. Then compare Support Vector Machine (SVM), k-Nearest Neighbor and Naïve Bayes. The LBP method is used to obtain an image's texture or shape characteristics. Information Gain is used for the feature selection algorithm, whereas SVM, k-Nearest Neighbor and Naïve ayes is used for the classification method. From previous research, the information gain method succeeded in increasing the accuracy by 2%. This research compares the SVM classification with another classification method, and the result shows that our proposed can improve classification performance. The best accuracy result using SVM classification gets 87,86%, at ten folds and cell size 64x64.
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