UI/UX Analysis and Design Development of Less-ON Digital Startup Prototype by Using Lean UX

  • Rio Andika Malik University of Perintis Indonesia
  • Marta Riri Frimadani Universitas Andalas
Keywords: UI/UX, Lean UX, SUS, Prototype, Startup, Less-ON;


The growth of startups in Indonesia continues to experience upward growth. Behind the growth that continues to move up, there is a success rate statistic which is a contradiction behind its development. The startup statistics show that about 90% of startups fail. As many as 75% of unicorn startups believe that a good UI/UX design can increase startup valuations and additional investors' funds. User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) are closely related because UX results from UI interactions. Less-On is a provider of private tutoring service providers who serve as an intermediary bridge between teachers and students. This research will be carried out by integrating the processes in the Lean UX method into every process that exists at the stages of software engineering development. The results obtained from this study are a final prototype validated in terms of criticism and suggestions through a questionnaire as a form of Less-On branding. Positive UX and better usability are significant for further development of the prototype private tutor booking application, which plays a vital role in acceptance, satisfaction and efficiency in using this Less-ON application. The UI has good usability for users, with a SUS scoring earn 85.53, which is above average and acceptable.



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How to Cite
Malik, R. A., & Frimadani, M. R. (2022). UI/UX Analysis and Design Development of Less-ON Digital Startup Prototype by Using Lean UX. Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem Dan Teknologi Informasi), 6(6), 958 - 965. https://doi.org/10.29207/resti.v6i6.4454
Information Systems Engineering Articles