Network Security Analysis Simulation at the GCS in the UCAV to support the Indonesian Defense Area
An unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV) is an unmanned aircraft that has a serial control communication device that can be seen directly in real-time. In carrying out UCAV flights, it requires good and stable data transmission security so that signal loss does not occur during the communication process. Researchers create a concept of a security scheme in communication at the Ground Control Station (GCS) that can be used for the use of UCAV communication at long distances, using the Quality of Service (QoS) method from OPEN VPN with parameters Throughput, Packet Loss, Delay (Latency) and Jitter can determine the reliability of a UCAV communication network. Based on the results of Quality of Service (QoS) testing with OpenVPN Autopilot UCAV objects on the ICMP protocol have the smallest packet loss value of 0%, the delay parameter is 5.2ms, the jitter parameter gets a high value of 4.68 ms higher than the TCP protocol and UDP. The TCP protocol has a relatively small packet loss value of 0.3% and ranks second to the ICMP protocol, then the delay value is 8.48 ms greater than the ICMP and UDP protocols, and the jitter parameter value is 0.0013 ms smaller than the ICMP and UDP protocols. The use of VPN OVPN is a good recommendation. Still, researchers suggest that should use not only OPEN VPN but also L2TP VPN and PPTP VPN for security at the Ground Control Station at UCAV as a comparison.
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