Surrogate Model-based Multi-Objective Optimization in Early Stages of Ship Design
The abstract is the early stages of ship design, the decision of the ship's main dimensions significantly impacts the ship's performance and the total cost of ownership. This paper focuses on an optimization approach based on surrogate models at the early stages of ship design. The objectives are to minimize power requirements and building costs while still satisfying the constraints. We compare three approaches of surrogate models: Kriging, BPNN-PSO (Backpropagation Neural Network-Particle Swarm Optimizer), and MLP (Multi-Layer Perceptron) in two multi-objective optimization algorithms: MOEA/D (Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm Decomposition) and NSGA-II (Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II). The experimental results show that MLP surrogate models get the best performance with MAE 6.03, and BPNN-PSO gets the second position with MAE 7.2. BPNN-PSO and MLP with MOEA/D and NSGA-II improve the design with around 58% smaller adequate power and 6% less steel weight than the original design. However, BPNN-PSO and MLP have lower hypervolume than Kriging for both optimization algorithms MOEA/D and NSGA-II. On the other hand, Kriging has the most inadequate model accuracy performance, with an MAE of 22.2, but produces the highest hypervolume, lowest computational time, and far lower objective values than BPNN-PSO and MLP for both optimization algorithms, MOEA/D and NSGA-II. Nevertheless, the three surrogate model approaches can significantly improve ship design solutions and reduce work time in the early stages of design.
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