Implementation of BERT, IndoBERT, and CNN-LSTM in Classifying Public Opinion about COVID-19 Vaccine in Indonesia
COVID-19 was classified as a pandemic in March 2020, and then in July 2021, this virus had its variance that spreads all over the world including Indonesia. The probability of the detrimental of its effect cannot be avoided, because this virus has a huge transmission risk during daily activity. To prevent suffering from COVID-19, people certainly need to be vaccinated. In responding to its vaccine, the citizen of Indonesia become expressive, so they try to express opinions, for example by uploading text on Twitter. Those expressions can be learned using deep learning frameworks which are BERT, CNN-LSTM, and IndoBERTweet to get knowledge about negative speech categories such as anxiety, panic, and emotion, or positive speech such as vaccines whether worked well. By then, these three methods accomplish in carrying out the prediction of sentiments about vaccination using dataset tweets on Twitter from January-2021 to March-2022, for instance using IndoBERT succeeds to classify sentiments as positive sentiment at around 80%, and then IndoBERTweet at 68%, in addition using CNN-LSTM reach 53% with the total of using 2020 dataset from Twitter. According to these results, a lesson learned for continued improvement for Indonesia's Government or authorities can be acquired in ending the COVID-19 pandemic.
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