Pengembangan Aplikasi Tiga-Tingkat Menggunakan Metode Scrum pada Aplikasi Presensi Karyawan Glints Academy
Three-Tier Application Development Using Scrum Method on Employee Attendance Application at Glints Academy
The rapid development of technology requires a software development management system that can be adaptive in rapidly changing circumstances. Scrum is an agile method that has the advantage of being agile and adaptive. Glints Academy holds an Industry Project Exploration as the program to prepare students for the rapid development of technology and reduce the gap between the education field and industrial field by MBKM program from the Ministry of Education and Culture. This study aims to apply the Scrum method in a heterogeneous developer team and divergent ability backgrounds to build an application with three-level architecture. The developer team is college students who come from different regions spread across Indonesia with full online implementation. Scrum is used because it is advantageous to other methods in a relatively fast-changing environment and also provides good quality control. The sprints were carried out in two sprints with two weeks of development in each sprint. The application built is an employee attendance application with a three-tier architecture: client, server, and data. The client-tier application is a front-end server built using the React.js framework while the server-tier and data-tier are built-in back-end servers with the Node.js and Express.js frameworks. JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication determines access role to functions and resources available on the back-end server. The result is a web application that fulfills the entire product backlog determined by the product owner. The results of this research are this method can used to develop features enhancement in the middle of the application development process without affecting the main feature development and this method is effectively used for different team developer backgrounds and during its online development
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