Analisis Algoritma Shi-Tomasi Dalam Pengujian Citra Senyum Pada Wajah Manusia
Shi-Tomasi Algorithm Analysis in Testing Smile Image on Human Face
Problems in image processing to obtain the best smile are strongly influenced by the quality, background, position, and lighting, so it is very necessary to have an analysis by utilizing existing image processing algorithms to get a system that can make the best smile selection, then the Shi-Tomasi Algorithm is used. the algorithm that is commonly used to detect the corners of the smile region in facial images. The Shi-Tomasi angle calculation processes the image effectively from a target image in the edge detection ballistic test, then a corner point check is carried out on the estimation of translational parameters with a recreation test on the translational component to identify the cause of damage to the image, it is necessary to find the edge points to identify objects with remove noise in the image. The results of the test with the shi-Tomasi algorithm were used to detect a good smile from 20 samples of human facial images with each sample having 5 different smile images, with test data totaling 100 smile images, the success of the Shi-Tomasi Algorithm in detecting a good smile reached an accuracy value of 95% using the Confusion Matrix, Precision, Recall and Accuracy Methods.
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