Evaluasi Topik Tersembunyi Berdasarkan Aspect Extraction menggunakan Pengembangan Latent Dirichlet Allocation
Recently, Sentiment Analysis is used for expression detection of products or services. Sentiment Analysis is one category type with a level of aspect focused on extracting product aspects. One of the common methods used for aspect extraction is Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) using random topic identification, but this method has not been able to find an acceptable topic with some aspects having been found. Undeterminable topics are referred to as the hidden topics. This study purpose is to evaluate and compare the suitability of identifying hidden topics between human and computer evaluation. The study is also focused on aspect extraction using a variety of LDA innovations. The data used in this study used case studies on e-Commerce. Data were processed using feature selection and grouped using LDA development. Then the data results are processed using Latent Topic Identification based on subjective and objective evaluations. The identification of hidden topic results was evaluated using several semantic and lexicon tests. The evaluation results indicate the comparison of two hidden topic identification assessment values is quite relevant with the average difference in value reaching 6%. As a result, computer calculations assist humans in determining topics if each topic has a low coherence value.
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