Evaluasi Ekstraksi Fitur GLCM dan LBP Menggunakan Multikernel SVM untuk Klasifikasi Batik
Evaluation of GLCM and LBP Feature Extraction Using Multicernel SVM for Classification of Batik
Batik as one of Indonesia's cultural heritages has various types, motifs and colors. A batik may have almost the same motif with a different color or vice versa, therefore it requires a classification of batik motifs. In this study, a printed batik was used with various coastal batik motifs in Central Java. The algorithm for classification is selected Support Vector Machine (SVM) with feature extraction of the Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) and Local Binary Pattern (LBP). SVM has the advantage of grouping data with small amounts and short operation times. GLCM as an extractive feature for recognizing batik textures and LBP was chosen to do spot pattern recognition. In the experiment, we have used 160 images of batik motifs which are divided into two, namely 128 training data and 32 testing data. The accuracy results obtained from the SVM, GLCM and LBP algorithms produce 100% accuracy in polyniomial, linear and gaussian kernels with distances at GLCM 1, 3, and 5, where at a distance of 1 linear kernel is 78.1%, gaussian 93.7%. At a distance of 3 linear kernels 75%, gaussian 87.5% and at a distance of 5 linear kernels 84.3%, gaussian 87.5%. In the SVM and GLCM algorithms the resulting accuracy is at a distance of 1 with a polynomial kernel 96.8%, linear 68.7%, and gaussian 75%. At distance 3, the polynomial kernel is 100%, linear 71.8%, and gaussian 78.1%, while for distance 5, the polynomial kernel is 87.5%, linear 75%, and gaussian 81.2%.
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