Analisa Morfologi Dilasi untuk Perbaikan Kualitas Citra Deteksi Tepi pada Pola Batik Menggunakan Operator Prewitt dan Laplacian of Gaussian

Dilation Morphological Analysis to Improve Image Quality of Edge Detection in Batik Patterns Using Prewitt and Laplacian of Gaussian Operators

  • Muhammad Abrar Masril Institut Teknologi Batam
  • Refli Noviardi Institut Teknologi Batam
Keywords: Prewitt Operator, Laplacian of Gaussian Operator, Morphological Dilation


The results of the edge detection process using several operators are not yet optimal. Therefore we need a method to improve the quality of edge detection images, the method used in this study is morphology dilation. The results of testing the improvement of image quality using 10 batik patterns, resulting in an accuracy level on Laplacian of Gaussian operators is 80% and for Prewitt operators is 60%. In the process of improving the edge detection quality, Morphology Dilation can connect broken edges using structuring elements. therefore it can improve the quality of edge images.


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How to Cite
Masril, M. A., & Noviardi, R. (2020). Analisa Morfologi Dilasi untuk Perbaikan Kualitas Citra Deteksi Tepi pada Pola Batik Menggunakan Operator Prewitt dan Laplacian of Gaussian. Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem Dan Teknologi Informasi), 4(6), 1052 -.
Information Technology Articles