Sistem Referensi Pemilihan Smartphone Android Dengan Metode Fuzzy C-Means dan TOPSIS

Android Smartphone Selection Reference System Using Fuzzy C-Means and TOPSIS Methods

  • Giovan Meidy Susanto STMIK Pontianak
  • Sandy Kosasi STMIK Pontianak
  • David STMIK Pontianak
  • Gat STMIK Pontianak
  • Susanti M. Kuway STMIK Pontianak
Keywords: Reference System, Fuzzy C-Means, TOPSIS, Android Smartphone


Difficulties faced by STMIK Pontianak students while choosing an Android smartphone are the diversity of brands, types, series and specifications makes it hard to choose which is the best. Determine that matches to needs along with an appropriate budget also difficult. This research aims to design a reference system for selecting an Android smartphone to resolve the problem. This system was developed using the Fuzzy C-Means algorithm and TOPSIS. The research method used is survey. Software design uses agile with extreme programming models also White-Box Testing, cluster center testing, and acceptance testing. This research found a method to get an alternative group that matches to the user from existing cluster by Euclidean Distance. This research produces a system that can clustering smartphone data and provide references in the form of alternatives that matches to the user. The test results using White-Box Testing produce all functions running well. Testing the cluster center using MSE gets the central error values ​​C1: 1.8481, C2: 2.5316, and C3: 1.8214. Acceptance tesing results above 70%. Weaknesses in this system do not discuss lifestyle needs in choosing an Android smartphone. The criteria used in this research is still technical and not use non-technical criteria.


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How to Cite
Susanto, G. M., Kosasi, S., David, D., Gat, G., & Kuway, S. M. (2020). Sistem Referensi Pemilihan Smartphone Android Dengan Metode Fuzzy C-Means dan TOPSIS. Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem Dan Teknologi Informasi), 4(6), 1092 -.
Information Technology Articles