Presensi Kelas Berbasis Pola Wajah, Senyum dan Wi-Fi Terdekat dengan Deep Learning
Classroom Attendance Based on Smiling Face Patterns and Nearby Wifi with Deep Learning
Students' attendance in class is often mandatory in education and becomes a benchmark for assessing students. Sometimes there are still fraudulent practices by students to achieve minimum attendance. From the administrative perspective, a paper-based presence system is potentially wasteful and extends the administrative stage because it requires manual recapitulation. This study aims to design a class attendance application based on facial pattern recognition, smile, and closest Wi-Fi. The method used in this research is a deep learning approach with CNN based architecture, FaceNet, to recognize faces. In addition to facial images, the system will also validate the attendance with location and time data. Location data is obtained from matching SSID from the database, and time data is taken when the user sends attendance data through API. This attendance system consists of three applications: web, mobile, and services installed on a mini-computer, which are integrated to sending attendance data to the academic system automatically. As confirmation, students are required to smile selfies to strengthen the validity of their presence. The testing model's accuracy results are 92.6%, while for live testing accuracy the model obtained 66.7%.
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