Pengelolaan Data Terintegrasi Berdasarkan Instrumen Akreditasi Perguruan Tinggi 3.0 Menggunakan Zachman Framework

Integrated Data Management Based on Higher Education Accreditation Instruments 3.0 Using the Zachman Framework

  • Ardhin Primadewi Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
  • Mukhtar Hanafi Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
Keywords: APT 3.0, higher education accreditation, higher education, integrated data, Zachman framework


Higher education in Indonesia is regulated by the government with the Higher Education Accreditation (APT). In APT 3.0, Higher Education is required to be able to present performance data in the form of a Higher Education Performance Report (LKPT) as a reference in making a Self-Evaluation Report (LED). However, it is necessary to have an in-depth analysis to determine the gaps in the data required by Higher Education according to the APT 3.0 standard. The process of integrating the samples refer to the Zachman Framework (ZF). The results of this simplification that the data is available in support of APT 3.0 approximately 79% of the total data both inside and outside the core business of Higher Education and is well managed in an integrated database. The remaining 21% of the data that are not available is spread across several information systems, especially SIMMawa, SIMHumas and Cooperation, and SIMAKU. This shows that the change in accreditation standards that have been in effect since April 2019 has created a significant data gap for Higher Education. This research also produced an alternative model of integrated data management that can be used as input for Information System developers in the Higher Education scope.


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How to Cite
Primadewi, A., & Hanafi, M. (2020). Pengelolaan Data Terintegrasi Berdasarkan Instrumen Akreditasi Perguruan Tinggi 3.0 Menggunakan Zachman Framework. Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem Dan Teknologi Informasi), 4(6), 1124 -.
Information Systems Engineering Articles