Validity Test of Self-Organizing Map (SOM) and K-Means Algorithm for Employee Grouping
Managing employee work discipline needs to be done to support the development of an organization. One way to make it easier to manage employee work discipline is to group employees based on their level of discipline. This study aims to group employees based on their level of discipline using the Self Organizing Map (SOM) and K-Means algorithm. This grouping begins with collecting employee attendance data, then processing attendance data where one of them is determining the parameters to be used, then ending by implementing the clustering algorithm using the SOM and K-Means algorithms. The results of grouping that have been obtained from the implementation of the SOM and K-Means algorithms are then validated using an internal validation test consisting of the Dunn Index, the Silhouette Index and the Connectivity Index to obtain the best number of clusters and algorithms. The results of the validation test obtained 3 best clusters for the level of discipline, namely the disciplinary cluster, the moderate cluster and the undisciplined cluster.
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